Recreating 16-year-old Clara Davis' 1897 Student Herbarium in Miniature
Earlier in the week I posted a quick video on social media of myself in the process of recreating a miniature version of a Victorian-era student herbarium that had belonged to and was completed by 16-year-old Clara Davis in 1897, which I had come across while browsing Ohio University Library’s Digital Archival Collections. (Museum and University Digital Collections are a minefield of treasure, in case you have never had the pleasure of browsing through any of them yourself.)
Many people, like myself, were enchanted by the idea, and a few asked if I might sell them one. Unfortunately, however, do not really have time/energy to produce them for that purpose. It’s just something I did for personal enjoyment. But, I still wanted to share it with anyone who might want one, so I’ve created a printable that you can download for free to make your own. I will also post a short tutorial video on my TikTok, in case a little step by step direction might help anyone get it all put together. Make one for yourself or a friend! Or both!
Click on the image below, then right click to save!